Tandiram 1 En Upadesam En

Divine Instructions #8

We spend our entire lives without understanding why we have come into this world. A lot of questions and doubts arise at the twilight years for most of us. Whatever doubts, questions and fear that did not arise during the formative and youthful years, come home to roost in the twilight years. Did we live correctly ? Did we do the important things in life ? do we have any regrets ? all these doubts and fears arise during the twilight years. But Gnanis have a different view as they know that once they leave this physical body, they will be united with Siva. So, they associate with all Siva related activities during their stay in this world. Who is a Siva Siddhar and how do they look ? what are the differences between the Siddhars and the Siva Siddhars ? what is meant by Siddhars ? All these topics are dealt in depth in Thirumanthiram.

Goals in Life

There is a difference between Saiva Siddhantham and Siddhantha Saivam at the root. Siddhantha Saivam is a Samayam (note that this is different from Religion and has no word in the English lexicon) Whereas Saiva Siddhantham is a Tatuvam (Principle).Siddhantha Saivam is the destination and Saiva Siddhantham is the path. Hence Siva is not the destination but also the path. What would be a person’s response when you ask them their goal in life ? The generic response would be to buy a house, get married and settle down with kids. Some others will say that they would want to be independent till the end. Each one would have different goals in life. Saint Thirunavukkarasu sings that He had different goals at different stages in life. A youth studying in a university feels that getting a degree is her goal. A person who has a degree feels that getting a job is his goal. A person with a job feels that marriage is the next goal. A married person’s goal is to find a way to send his parents to a retirement home (sarcasm). As we can see, the goalposts keep on changing at different ages in life. Saint Appar sings that all these are not actual goals.

Understanding life and why we came here and focusing on attaining it, is the actual goal.

Are we really awake ?

There are so many life forms come into this world and depart from it. Is our life similar to other life forms ? Human beings are blessed with a 6th Sense whereas other life forms have 5 senses. To shape our life to understand life itself and the reason for our birth, is the actual goal. Some people realize this at a young age, some during their teenage years but others not even in old age. What is Saivam ? this was asked to Thirumular. Some people think Saivam means people who are vegetarian. They mistakenly assume that it is an eating habit like vegan. Tirumoolar says that Saivam means becoming one with Siva. We all think we are clear headed when awake but we are actually sleep walking. If you ask someone if God is present, the person will reply doubtfully. When pressed, they will say that God is yet to give that person all that he has asked, so God may not be present. We all ask for so many things, but we never ask why we are here and what we are doing here in this world ?  Saint Tirugnanasambandar asks these questions to Siva.

The meaning of Saint Tirugnanasambandar’s name is making the Atmas to become one with Siva in Gnanam.

Becoming one with Siva

Once we become one with Siva, we are freed from all suffering instantaneously. The first step is becoming one with Siva with relation to this physical body. In this state, we apply the holy ash (thiruneer), wear the Rudraksha, do prayer, do temple cleansing and related activities. All these are body related activities. The next step is becoming one with Siva in thoughts. This includes thinking about Siva, listening to Siva related songs, discourses etc., mixing with other Siva devotees. The third step is becoming one with Siva at the life level. The closer one is to Siva at this level, the atma has lesser bonds  that bind it to suffering. The more we are suffering means we are farther from Siva. The more we think about Siva, the farther from suffering we are.

Whenever there is suffering, one should go to any of the thirumurais to associate oneself with Siva.

Traversing the tatuvams

Once we are accepted Siva as The One, then one should not accept any other god as the one. This does not mean one should insult or disrespect other gods. Siva is The Supreme and the realization that He is the beginning and the end of all and everything in between. We highlight that we are slaves to Siva the moment we apply the holy ash.

Once one starts in this path of Siva, compassion and love grows and wherever compassion and love are present, bliss manifests.

Veersaivars always wear the Siva lingam around their neck. They do not even allow others to watch while they are doing puja. They do not look at any other God other than Siva. We are all Saivaites, and we go to other temples. We even wait for a couple of days to get darshan at certain temples. But veera Saivaites are so devoted that they do not even think of other gods.  Saint Tirugnanasambandar only thinks of the Holy feet of Siva. Traversing the tatuvams is not simple. Even overcoming the simple tatuvam related to the tongue is exceedingly difficult and we have 31 tatuvams to overcome. When one is soaked in devotion to Siva, then what one considers as an obstacle becomes a step to the Divine. When one devotes oneself to Siva at each and every level, stay close to Him at each and every opportunity then each tatuvam becomes a stepping stone. Siva Siddhars are those who have done so and reached the Holy Feet of Siva. One has to consider the tatuvams as steps in a ladder and climb over them, one by one.

Realisation of the CIT

When one says to overcome the tatuvam of the tongue, it does not mean one should stop eating or speak. It means that one understands and realizes what the tongue actually is and becomes stoic with it. The eye turns our gaze to even things that are far away. But the actual realization is that the eyes were given to gaze at Siva and Sivan Adiyargal. So, one should take care and keep it healthy to be able to perform such actions soaked in Siva(ness). What we require ultimately is to obtain Bliss. That bliss sprouts only in Siddhi (Cit). But this Cit is obscured by ignorance. When this ignorance is removed, bliss occurs naturally. Only in Saiva Neri, God is considered to be Cit. Other beliefs do not consider their gods as cit.

The ignorance that covers our Atma and prevents it from the realization of the Cit can only be removed by compassion (Anbu).

A rich and powerful man used to have lots of people working for him. He once went into a dark room and asked his goons to beat up and remove the darkness from the room. Will it work ? He then asked them to give money to darkness and remove it. Will it work ? he asked his goons to serve lots of food to darkness and remove it. Will it again work ? But when one brings a small lighted lamp into the room, it dispels the darkness. This shows that darkness can only be removed by Light. Hence the ignorance engulfing our Atma cannot be removed by education, knowledge, wealth, power etc., but only by compassion. Lots of people think that knowledge can remove or dispel ignorance. But we can see that people with lots of degrees or education are not the happiest people. When ignorance is removed, happiness should occur and shine through by default. That is why Brahma, the lord of knowledge could not find the head of Siva and Vishnu the lord of wealth, could not find the holy feet of Siva. When Brahma and Vishnu themselves could not see Siva with all their knowledge and wealth, what hope do we have ? It shows that these are useful only to show off in this material world and not more than that but will not take us to the Holy Feet of Siva.

“What’s the point of education and wealth if it does not lead one to the Holy Feet of God.”

Saint Thiruvalluvar Deva Nayannar

A child cries when a mother leaves for some errand. No matter how one tries to entertain the child with toys and sweets, the child still yearns for his/her mother. When the mother returns, the child becomes a bundle of happiness. Similarly, the Adiyars are like children who are always in state of Siva consciousness in every breath. They have no interest in the worldly affairs or material things but yearn only for Siva.

Adoration with compassion

Many people think that the statue in the temple is Sivam and its sufficient to just pray to the statue. But the actual meaning is far from it. What it is, is actually an embodiment of compassion. It waits day and nights and over eons hoping that someday, instead of looking outside we look inside ourselves. Siva means bliss. Siva devotion is Bliss. Lighting a lamp, offering a flower etc., is not meant to be just an action but an act of adoration with compassion. When one does such Siva devotion with compassion, all the suffering and desire wash away, and bliss starts sprouting. This bliss sprouts from time to time when one listens to Thevaram, does Siva pujai, thinks and talks about Siva and His Adiyars. The very fact that you are reading this is due to His Bliss and not because you decided to read this.

Without His Grace, one cannot even hope to know about Him.

The Siva Siddhars hence ask for nothing but that everything should lead to the Holy Feet of Siva. Whereas we consider each tatuvam to be an obstacle, the Siva Siddhars consider them as tools to obtain the Bliss of Siva. So, when they traverse each and every Tatuvam, they get a nectar of bliss. The Bliss is such that no words  or emotions are enough to explain or express it. One can notice that energy simply in the company of Siva Siddhars.

Thinnanar was hunting a wild boar for a long time. After some time, the boar got tired and slowed down. Using this opportunity Thinnanar hunted down the wild boar. Once done, he remembered that he was both thirsty and hungry but had forgotten about it while hunting the boar. Similarly, we are running behind material things in life and forget about God while in pursuit. Soon, Thinnanar’s friends nanan and kanan arrived after some time. Kanan started preparing a fire to cook the boar and nanan went with Thinnanar to get some water. Thinnanar and nanan see a grove at a distance and walk at a good pace to get to the river beside the grove.  While nearing the grove, they see a hill and nanan points out that it was the mount Kaalathi. Nanan then adds that Kudimi Devar resides in the same hilltop. Thinnanar’s eyes glow when he hears the name of Kudimi Devar, and he gets a burning desire to go see him. So nanan and Thinnanar cross the chest deep waters of the river. While crossing the river, nanan reminds Thinnanar that he should drink some water as he was thirsty. But Thinnanar was totally immersed with the thought of seeing Kudimi Devar that he forgot that he was thirsty. Thinnanar crossed the entire river without even drinking a drop of water. Soon Nanan started climbing and Thinnanar followed. Saint Sekkizhar writes eloquently that even though Thinnanar was following, his compassion was in front along with Nanan. Saint Sekkizhar highlights that the very act of climbing the steps was the act of traversing and overcoming the 36 tatuvams.

Only two things accompany one at the end of one’s life. Good and bad deeds. Nanan and Kanan are nothing but the good and bad karma.

Only by the virtue of Nanan, Thinnanar hears about Kudimi Devar and hence nanan here becomes the guru as well, by showing the path to Kudimi Devar.

Manifesting Bliss

Patinathar sings with melancholy that Thinnanar reached The Holy Feet of God in 6 days and wonders whether he has such level of devotion like Thinnanar. This does not mean one has to renounce everything and become a godly person. But one has to use these senses at every opportunity to pay obeisance to God at every step. The senses are just a medium and not the end in themselves. One obtains bliss while using the senses to pay obeisance to Siva without even expecting it. The tatuvams in a pure state gives bliss and tatuvams which are in an impure state give suffering.

The tatuvams move from an impure to pure state by one’s concerted action of adoration and devotion to Siva and hence bliss manifests.

Kripananda Variyar Swamigal Various Discourses

Speech by Thiru Muruga Kirubanandha Variyar

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Prof. K.Sivakumar

The Holy deities of Saivam – Lord Murugan

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Kanda Puranam Kripananda Variyar Swamigal

Six Abodes of Lord Muruga by Variyar Swamigal

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Ammapettai Sourirajan Meykanda Sastras

SivaGnanaBotham – Discourse by S.Sourirajan Ayya

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Saiva Siddhanta Overview Tuticorin Shanmugavel

Significance of Saiva Temple

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Approximate Transcription/Translation

We discussed the philosophic and metaphysic aspect of Saivam which is something very nuanced. As Saivaites, we should have a basic understanding of it. Not everyone is Saivam can fully comprehend that hence but at least a few should be able to go there at least to safeguard those texts/scriptures. Hence classes and discourses are important to share that wisdom.

In the worship of Siva, we discussed about the Siva Lingam. The base of the Lingam should be made of « Ali – neuter » stone.

Silpa sastras, Siddhanta sastras and Tirumurais coming together is the speciality of Saivam.

There are three types in which the peedam/base of Lingam can be made.

  • Patra
    • In the form of a leaf
  • Padma
    • In the form of a lotus
  • Veli Patra
    • Half sculpture
  • Peedam should be made of Ali stone.
  • Lingam should be made of male stone.
  • Aavudai should be made of female stone.

Just as a doctor can distinguish between vein and nerves, there is a text called « sirpa chen nool » by the Mahabalipuram sirpa kalloori using which we can identify male, female and Ali stone.

The Siva Peruman who embodies the cosmos is the one we worship(aavaganam) in the temple. What is there in andam(cosmos) is there in the pindam(body) as well. This is the reason we say « tiru chit ambalam » before and after the Tevaram. Because the first one is for the Siva Peruman in the Andam, the last one is for the Siva Peruman in the pindam.

The body contains the same ingredients that are in the world. Science also accepts this hence the body is a microcosm and the cosmos, a macrocosm.

Mahakumbabhishekam is nothing but the obescience to Ashtamurthi Siva Peruman who is the embodiment of Andam/ cosmos.

The daily puja that happens is called “palli arai deevaranai“. Children mistake it for God going to His bedroom. Agamas do not say that. We only call it palli arai. Also, there is the misconception where one should witness the “palli arai deevaranai“.

Viswaroopam Darisanam

  • The Sakti comes into the Siva Lingam in the morning during “Aavaganam“.

Siva samyojanam

  • The Sakti in the Siva Lingam merges with the cosmos in the night.

This is the concept in aanmartha pujai and parartha pujai.

Andiyeshti in Sanskrit: « Irudi Aagam » in tamizh and not « dikshai irrakuradhu » or « yeturadhu ».

Mayana(Cremation Ground) kriyai and Illai (Home) kriyai.

Preda samskaram (sacrament) is required for all. Andiyeshti samskaram is required only for initiates (those who have got dikshai)

All explanations are available in Saiva Siddhantam.

Sri Palli Nathar is without any form:

  • Aarini – power given to Brahma
  • Janani – power given to Vishnu
  • Roda Ithiri – power given to Rudiran.

Sulam (trident) signifies that all three Saktis emanate from Siva – that’s the connation. One will never find that the Sulam was never used to kill / sublimate anyone in saiva scriptures. It will not come in Saivam but in Saktam.

3 types of Siva worship

  • Pujai
  • Homam
  • Dyanam

These 3 have different types of Kriyai and the method varies.

The wielding of the Sulam means that all 3 are Him.

  • Explanation in 11th Tirumurai, Orupa Orupagathu – Patinathar

The three are.

  • Brahma
  • Vishnu
  • Rudiran

It signifies Siva Peruman only when Maha is added before the above 3. Without Maha, it signifies the other devas.

Siva Peruman performs.

  • Creation via Brahma
  • Sustains via Vishnu
  • Sublimation via Rudiran
  • Concealment via Maheswaran
  • Grace via Sadasivan

Siddhiyar explains this clearly. The next question that comes is that why not this status given to me? The answer given by Tiru Arulnandi Sivacharyar is that if one does the same Siva Punyam, you can also get those posts.

Even though the body is one, each organ performs different actions.

Whenever a god misuses the powers, then Siva withdraws it. Like giving and withdrawing Power of attorney. When Kaman (Kama – God of love) exceeded his limits, he was burnt.

The explanation for the death of Yama is given in Kanda Puranam while giving back life to Yama.

The world functions via the three Saktis Aarini (Harini in Sanskrit), Janani, Roda Ithiri and this is symbolically personified by Sri Palli Devar coming into the Siva Lingam or Moolavar(Presiding Deity) in the temple.

We can keep velayudam as name but not Sulayudam. Why?

Tatpurusha Desikar has written.

The Tirumurais are not intended for Kriyai and that is why they are not used in temple worship. But Tirumurais can be used when it comes to Archanai. That is why in temples after archanai using rig, yajur, sama, atharva Vedam, the call to sing Tirumurai is made (Dravida Vedam aruli paduga)

There are only 2 restrictions that both Sanskrit Vedas and tamil Tirumurais are not to be sung inside the sanctum sanctorum. Only Agama mantras are to be used inside the sanctum sanctorum.

Vadiyars – specialized in Vedas. They are also not allowed inside the sanctum sanctorum.

  • Adi Saiva lineage
  • Should have got Acharya Abhiskhem according to the agama using which the temple was built.
  • He must be married, and no bachelor can touch the vigraham.

This is why Sri La Sri Arumuka Navalar refused to get Thiruneer from Dikshitar at Chidambaram because he had not got Acharya Dikshai according to Makuta Agama.

In CitAmbalam Hall, no Vedas are sung but in the TenAmbalam hall, yes.

Aagamam – the thing that came. Agamas contains all answers. What does agama say, is important rather than arguing whether Siva Peruman gave it, or was it said in Sanskrit or tamil etc.,

Tirumoolar explains that Siva Peruman expounded the Agamas via His 5 faces to the rishis.

If you go on asking something, then the fault that arises is « varam indri ozhal ». Goes on without end.

If Only love is required to do pujai, then nothing else is required. But almost all of us are incapable of such devotion. Aanmartha pujai can be done in one’s own home temple but parartha pujai must follow SaivAgamic rules.

Sivam is not present in Sanskrit, its Sivaha.

Mahesvara murtham’s : Siva Peruman with His Sakti manifests the 25 different forms we see today.

Deva Goshtam

PaRimara Goshtam: suryan, chandiran, agastiyar, samaya/santhana Kuravargal who all were aanmas and got Gynanam. And these are worshipped after Mahesvara pujai.

Sambubatcham: Siva Peruman Himself takes the form murtham of Brahma.

Anubatcham: Gives the form of Brahma to highly evolved aanmas.

After completing Pradakshinam, Candesvarar must be worshipped.

How to install Candi in different yugas is specified in the agamas. In kali yugam, Candesvara Nayanar is the only one within a Siva temple to have a separate Koil and vimanam.

Murugan has a Different Candi: Sumitra Canda

Siva Peruman has a different Candi: Candesvara Nayanar (Thoni Canda)

Vinayagar: Kumbothara Canda

Ambal: Yamani Candeeswari

The Chief accounts officer of Lord Siva is Candi. Chitragupta is for worldly punyam.

Yama Logam and Pitru Logam is under Yama’s control. (Thenkulathar in Tirukural refers to pitrugal) in English it’s called Manes.

If one must understand Tirukural correctly, then Parimel Alagar’s explanation is the only one and Kovana Vadivelu Chettiar’s work to read certain aspects of Parimel Alagar’s work. It’s the key for Parimel Alagar’s work. For those criticising Parimel Alagar’s work, then ask them to explain his explanation of the 27th Tirukural. Explain first and you can disagree later.

If one can understand Parimel Alagar’s explanation of the 27th Tirukural, then one can consider that 50% understanding of Saiva Siddantam has been achieved.

Go alone to Candi and do Kovidana Mudrai: clapping with index and middle finger on the other palm and asking for the fruits of Siva Darisanam to be given.

Out of 33 not to do things in Sivalayam: Navalar, Saiva Vina Vidai 33

  1. One of the 33 is Stepping or crossing the Nirmalayam (the things that are offered to Siva Peruman)
  2. Since we do a circuit, we cross the Nirmalayam, hence we go to Candi and ask for cleansing the not to do thing.

Nirmalayam(ablution) is different from Neivediyam (oblation)

Pujai: Liturgy Is the nearest equivalent.

Abhishekam: Anointment

As Sivaya Subramuniya Swamy says, it’s the nearest equivalent and not the exact one.

If one gets Visheda Dikshai, one can do Agni Karyam. But Parartha Pujai cannot be done. Any activity after the Temple Flag, only (qualified)Adi Saivas can do. In Sivalayam, no one other than qualified Adi Saivas can do pujai. Even unqualified Adi Saivas cannot perform pujai.

What is happening for 600 years, the gov has no power to change. Supreme court decision.
Even is Kasi, Pujai is performed as per the agamas.

Uchavar: He has to come as one of the Pancha Murthis. Oorvalam word will not be used. Pancha murthi veedhi vizha is the word that will be used in print by the temples.

Shankaracharya sect do not follow agamas, but they have different process.

Those who follow Vedam but not agamas are Pura Samayam.

Arya Samaj : Swami Dayanand Saraswathi who said that temple worship is not required. They follow Vedas but not agamas hence they are pura Samayam. There is a difference between Saivam and saiva siddantam. (Siva is The One and acceptance of 6 as without origin)

Who need temple worship?

  • Saiva Vinai Vidai 207, 208, 209, 210 by Navalar
  • Even Gnanis must also perform temple worship but the way Siva Peruman bestows grace will be different for them.

E.g., a normal person and VIP would be accorded different welcomes in different countries. Similarly, its different for Gnanis, yogis, normal person in sariya etc. Meykandar finishes the Sivagnanabotham with need for temple worship with His 12th Sutra.

Jeevan Mukthargal need no scriptures as they are already in consonance with Siva. They will not be born in a mortal coil once they shed this body.

Dargam and ilakanam are both required to understand/establish the profound nuances of a language.

Saivam will give credit to only to two commentators who have given explanation for Tamizh: Parimel Alagar(vaishnavite) and Senavaraiyar.

He was parisaragar not a bhattar meaning he gives the items to those who actually do the Kriyai in the sanctum sanctorum.

In Tiruchendur, there are different persons who do puja for moolavar, Arumugam, other deities. This is as per tradition. Varnam is by birth only. For e.g., an Englishmen, a Canadian, or a tamizhan is by birth only. But that alone does not signify importance hence Varna Ashramam(deeds) dharmam and not simply varna dharmam.

Even MKG himself who was against caste says in his book that he was born as a baniya (trader).

Even in oxford dictionary, Welsh and English are different. Even in Koran, Mohammed Nabi was born in Qureshi community. Man cannot change this but this reform will happen on its own accord. The problem arises when one says that one will come to God only when all these societal problems are resolved. It’s akin to saying i will take dip in sea only when the waves stop. Almost many have died holding such an ideal without understanding the deeper nuances.

The person who said the world is round got stones hence one cannot generalize the particular.

Today admission and work is based on castes in India. Those who come 500 years later will call it stupid. We are saying to remove caste/community columns but gov is not doing it. It will be simple. Hence its only for votes and not for action.

Society will not define Samayam. Siva Punyam is not based on Jaati and its nowhere mentioned as such.

Siva punyam and worldly punyam : in Periyapuram, it deals only and mainly with Siva Punyam and it cannot be applied to the world at large.

AaN adhikam – spirituality a male bastion?

People say that its prevalent in India but not in western countries. To them, the first question i ask is

« There are 12 apostles all male, why no female ? « 

Ladies were not permitted in Oxford university until a certain time period.

Even after admission, they were not awarded degrees.

In English poets, there are no lady poets. There are no lady poets in neither Greek nor Hebrew. Whereas we have so many lady poets even in Sangam literature. Around 40.

Religious reforms are the purview of the society especially in Hindu dharma. One comes into Aanmeegam(Spirituality) only when only realises that birth is not the beginning and death is not the end.

There are 19 other philosophies in India regarding the soul and all these 19 are refuted by Tiru Arulnandi Sivam in Siddiar.

But in Sivagnanabotham, Meykanda Deva only deals with 8 philosophies. 7 in 3rd sutra and 1 in 4th Sutra.

J.M.Nallaswami Pillai says that the 3rd sutra is a remarkable example of  condensation of thought  and brevity of expression.

They are the only commentators who are equally proficient in tamizh and Sanskrit and logic as well. (On being accorded enormous respect to Senaraiyar & Parimel Alagar).

Tandiram 1 Es Upadesam Es

Instrucciones divinas #7

Agamas y Tirumandiram

La escritura canónica que elimina las 3 impurezas de Anava, Kanmam y Maya se llama Agamas. La liberación de las almas del sufrimiento y el acuerdo de la felicidad eterna se llama agama. No debería ser triste que sólo 9 de los 28 agamas hayan sido recuperados. Porque no se trata de 28 capítulos diferentes, sino de los mismos principios explicados de diferentes maneras en los 28 agamas. Así, el mensaje de los 28 agamas está presente en los 9 agamas y Tirumoolar los condensa en Tirumandiram para nuestro beneficio.

El hilo con 3000 fibras

Mandiram se llama hilo porque, así como varias fibras se tejen para formar un hilo, 3000 mandirams se tejen juntos para formar Tirumandiram.  ¿Por qué deberíamos leer eso? ¿Nos darán alguna ventaja en la vida o nos liberarán de nuestro sufrimiento? Todas las cosas que hacemos en la vida son hacia una meta. Todo lo que se piensa, palabra o acción se hace sin propósito se considera inútil según nuestros santos. La mayoría de las veces pasamos al menos pensando en el daño a otros u otras cosas innecesarias. Creemos que no hay nada de malo en pensar mal en los demás. Pero debemos recordar que “cada acción tiene una reacción igual y opuesta” y esto también se aplica a los pensamientos. Esto fue dicho por nuestros santos mucho antes de Newton, pero preferimos escucharlo de extraños que acaban de rascar la superficie de la ciencia.

Cuando uno pasa tiempo aprendiendo, escuchando y pensando en escrituras canónicas como Tirumandiram, se limpia la conciencia y las acciones.

Tirumandiram: La Décima Escritura

Tirumandiram es el décimo de los 12 Tirumurais. Todos conocemos la historia de Tirumoolar. Para que se transmute en el cuerpo del pastor de vacas,   el pastor de vacas tenía que tener ciertas cualidades. Cuidamos de nuestros propios hogares, pero nos preocupamos menos por los hogares de otras personas. El pastor de vacas cuidaba no sólo de sus vacas, sino también de las vacas de los demás. Más que eso, los cuidaba con amor y compasión, a pesar de que eran animales incapaces de expresarse. Fue una calificación en sí misma suficiente para que Tirumoolar se transmute en el cuerpo de Moolan. Tirumandiram fue hablado por el alma y no por el cuerpo del pastor de vacas.   Al igual que un altavoz hablando a través de un micrófono, el cuerpo es sólo una herramienta para el alma.  Ya a Nama Sivaya es la representación del alma. Según el orden léxico tamil, Ya es el décimo alfabeto, por lo que Tirumandiram fue colocado como la Décima   Escritura para mostrar que el alma era responsable de Tirumandiram.

Yogam en Tirumandiram

Para muchas personas, los mensajes deben decirse en fuga, ya que la mayoría de nosotros tenemos problemas para pasar tiempo. Tirumoolar explica claramente quiénes son los Siddhars y explica la diferencia entre los Avasiddhars y los Sivasiddhars. Sin Tirumandiram, habría sido imposible entender el estado de Yogam. Hay muchas Escrituras que explican Sariyai y kriyai, pero las habilidades del yogam, lo que es, cuál es el estado final del yogam, lo que yogam hace en estos días, etc. se explican claramente sólo en Tirumandiram. Incluso las almas en un estado mixto con Dios a veces tienen que permanecer en sus cuerpos físicos hasta que sus tareas se cumplan.

Penitencia de 3.000 años

¿Cómo escribió Tirumoolar esos 3000 versículos? ¿Lo escribió él mismo o sus discípulos lo escribieron mientras hablaba? San Sekkizhar dice que Tirumoolar cantaba un verso al año. Esto nos da 3000 años por 3000 versos, lo que significa que vivió durante 3000 años. Ahora, nuestra pregunta es que cuando tantas formas de vida tenían que beneficiarse, debería haberlo hecho más rápido que 3000 años para que fuera útil? La persona que vio el primer versículo ni siquiera habría visto el versículo 100, olvida el versículo 3000.

Un año es de 365 días. 1 día es una mañana y una noche. Tirumoolar dice que vivió durante cientos de miles de años. También dijo que vivía en un lugar donde no había día y noche. Entonces, ¿qué cálculo se puede usar para entender que escribió 1 canción cada año?  Ya hemos hablado de cómo Tirumoolar transmuta en el cuerpo de la vaca muerta y guía a las vacas afligidas a sus hogares. También hablamos de cómo regresa para encontrar su cuerpo original desaparecido y lo toma como el acto thiruvarul de Siva y va al templo Thiruavaduthurai y ora por la deidad del templo. Luego va al árbol de Arasu (Sthala vriksha) y se sienta en la pose yóguica específica que más o menos se traduce como sentado como un mono en su cola de bobina. El verdadero significado de esta pose significa sentarse en yoga. Pero no habría habido canciones si Tirumoolar  se sentara en yoga por la eternidad, Siva Peruman lo traslada de su estado meditativo al estado mundano una vez al año, al final del cual sale una canción. Yon el estado yóguico, el tiempo deja de existir unas el Atma trasciende el tiempo y el cuerpo permanece en un estado de animación . El kundalini se eleva a través del chakra básico hasta el chakra entre las cejas. Cuando llega a este chakra, una gota de néctar de felicidad fluye sobre el atma y se produce la realización de la verdad.  Los versículos de Tirumandiram son tales gotas de néctar dichoso.

Entender la importancia de este acto

Un santo no está involucrado en asuntos mondídicos en su estado meditativo o yóguico. Es sólo cuando regresa al estado mundial que el mundo se beneficia de sus experiencias. San Manickavasagar no nos dio el Thiruvasagam cuando estaba en un estado de felicidad con Siva, sino que cantó los versos conmovedores del corazón de Thiruvasagam cuando fue liberado intermitentemente del estado de felicidad por el propio Siva Peruman. El propio San Manickavasagar canta que los versos de Thiruvasagam eran como agua que se bebe para calmar el hipo de separación de Siva Peruman.

Del mismo modo, Tirumoolar también escribió sus versos sólo cuando Siva Peruman lo liberó intermitentemente de su estado yóguico enlos asuntos mundanos.  Somos alegres y disfrutamos sólo cuando un santo se involucra en los asuntos mundanales   justo cuando las nubes oscuras traen la lluvia que da vida. Si las nubes oscuras continúan moviéndose sin detenerse a darnos lluvia, sólo seguirá la sequía.

Un siddhar es el que consigue el dharisanam(felicidad) de Siva Logam donde quiera que esté, sin ir a ninguna parte.

Karma y cuerpo

Una persona que vive en las llanuras debe construir casas adaptadas a las llanuras al igual que una persona que vive en las montañas construye casas adaptadas a este entorno. Del mismo modo, el cuerpo se da de acuerdo con los diferentes planos o dimensiones de la existencia. Veamos el concepto del cielo y del infierno. Digamos que una persona acumula mucho karma en el presente nacimiento para que haya tanto atraso kármico. Cuando hay mucho karma negativo, todos los casos kármicos se tratan todos a la vez y por lo tanto el concepto del infierno para limpiar el atraso y viceversa para un buen karma. De lo contrario, no hay manera de que el atraso sea tratado en beneficio de la persona para alcanzar los pies santos del Señor. Seguimos acumulando nuevos karmas con cada nacimiento y mientras haya un equilibrio kármico en su narrativa, el ciclo de nacimiento y muerte ocurre como un reloj. Si uno cree en el karma o no, es irrelevante para el karma mismo. El sol sigue brillando porque creemos que la tierra es el centro del universo. La causa y el efecto son universales y exceden las habilidades de comprensión usando el cuerpo físico y los sentidos. Pero, ¿cómo se une el karma al atma correcto porque el karma no es en sí mismo un ser inteligente o sensible? ¿Todo el equilibrio kármico se une de una sola vez o en varios nacimientos? estas cuestiones se han abordado en ensayos anteriores y se revisarán en futuras publicaciones basadas en temas.

El que se separa de un pensamiento o cosa con mentalidad mundial,  también se aleja del sufrimiento que lo acompaña.

La importancia de un gurú

Hasta que el atma madure, el mantra es Nama Sivaya. Una vez que el atma madura, se convierte en Sivaya Nama. ¿Qué hay de Sivaya Siva?  Este mantra se dice a nivel del cuerpo astral y está más allá del reino físico. Lord Dakshinamurthy parece estar sentado con los ojos cerrados, pero cuando nos sentamos y lo miramos, podemos notar claramente que Sus ojos  nos miran. Transmitió la sabiduría divina de los Vedas y agamas a los 7 santos sin siquiera pronunciar una sola palabra. Un discípulo obtiene buena sabiduría basada en su gurú. Una cabra enseña a su hijo a masticar hojas pequeñas mientras un elefante enseña a su hijo a descomponer todos los tallos. Del mismo modo, Tirumoolar es como un elefante que nos enseña la sabiduría divina de los agamas a través de Tirumandiram.

Incluso cuando uno realiza penitencia como una montaña, si uno no puede superar el sentido del gusto, entonces esta penitencia es como pasta de tamarindo en un río de flujo rápido.

Vallalar Adigal

Poniendo su fe en el Señor.

¿Por qué necesitamos magia o brujería? Todo lo que necesitamos es la liberación del ciclo de la vida y la muerte y, por lo tanto, del sufrimiento. Si sólo uno desea verdaderamente la felicidad eterna, entonces encuentra a alguien que no sólo pueda liberarse de este ciclo de vida o muerte, sino también dar felicidad eterna. El Señor es una felicidad personificada para aquellos que sufren. Vendrá si hablas con él. No es necesario sospechar porque Él está en todas partes, y Él escucha a los que le hablan. Estamos dispuestos a confiar nuestra vida a los conductores etc., pero hacemos mil preguntas para confiar en Nuestra vida en el Señor mismo.  Esto es una hipocresía flagrante y una creencia mendigante para aquellos que incluso tienen un ápice de sentido común y pueden simplemente atribuirse a la ignorancia.

Hemos dado un millón de nacimientos y todavía no podemos superar ni un solo tatuvam.  Y tenemos un millón más.

Carácter, acción y juicio

Juzgamos a la gente por sus acciones. Los que hacen buenas malas cosas son buenas personas y los que hacen malas personas. La otra manera es juzgar la acción de la persona que lo hace. Vaali, el rey mono, sigue haciendo mil preguntas a Lord Rama mientras su hermano Lakshmanan estaba a su lado. Vaali fue quien codiciaba a la esposa de su hermano y, por lo tanto, se produjo una guerra entre los clanes vanara. Después de mucha discusión, vaali finalmente admite que ya que fue Lord Rama quien vino a resolver el problema, la acción es dármica. La acción de Lord Rama aquí se considera dármica simplemente porque el señor Rama mismo es dármico. Del mismo modo, cuando San Manickavasagar canta que el Señor Siva vendrá a escucharnos, entonces las palabras de San Manickavasagar son verdaderas simplemente porque el propio San Manickavasagar es la verdad.

Práctica diaria

Nuestros sentidos están hechos de mayas. Sólo  cuando los   mayas trascienden en la e, el karma y el anavam pueden ser eliminados. Pero una vez que trascender a los mayas, Siva mismo nos ayuda a superar el karma y el anavam. ¿Por qué tienes que entrenar todos los días para borrar los sentidos? Es como entrenar con un arma. Entrenamos todos los días para disparar a la práctica objetivo. El verdadero propósito de la práctica objetivo es luchar contra los oponentes y proteger las fronteras. Del mismo modo, el objetivo es maya y practicamos golpearlo y sublimar los sentidos, todos los días. Pero el verdadero adversario es anavam para el que nos preparamos todos los días. Adelantar los 36 tatuvams es como subir una escalera que tiene 36 escalones y conduce a mukthi.

Mukthi es sólo cuando uno trasciende los 36 Tatuvams.

Saiva Siddhanta Overview Tuticorin Shanmugavel

Superiority of Saiva Dharma

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Saiva Siddhanta Saints Salem Rukmani Amma

The Pearl who climbed atop Lord Murugan’s peacock

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Salem Rukmani Amma Various Discourses

Understanding Devotion

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